Monday, June 18, 2007

An Education what the last couple of weeks, I can safely say, has been. The Touring Magician is a way for me to share the trials and tribulations of my life in Thailand. Starting my job at a government university here most definitely falls into the former category.

I don't have a problem with the students. They are very polite and really rather charming. However the institution leaves a little to be desired on the organisational front. I was forewarned that Thai administration could be a slippery beast, however merely describing it as bad doesn't really do it justice. Comparisons between elbows and less savoury anotomical features spring immediately to mind. I doubt they could even find the brewery. It's probably for the best if you don't ask exactly what's wrong. You're likely to get a reply starting with "Oh! How long have you got?", followed at least an hour later by "...and ANOTHER thing..." Please don't say I didn't warn you.

Tribulations-wise (and on a happier note), it's my birthday today! It's a big one too. One of those ones that ends in a nought. Time to leave twenty-something-dom behind. I'm pleased to say it doesn't bother me at all. It means I have a whole new decade to fill with strange and interesting experiences. At least, it does if the last ten years were anything to go by. Thank you to all my friends and family who sent cards and messages 6000 miles to get to me. They all made me smile.